1954 Alpine Trial

The Alpine Trial, organised by the Light Car Club, was held on the weekend of December 4-5.

Directed by Bill Leach and Bill Hicks, the 987 mile route took crews 26 hours with no real rest stops. Fatigue was a major factor.

Winners were Russell Lane and Claude Turner in a Humber Super Snipe.

A report appeared in Australian Motor Sports.


Results and entry list

1Russell LaneClaude TurnerHumber Super Snipe693
2Kevin StuartEd SteetRover 90691
3Bob ScarlettDon McArthur, D. ScarlettVanguard687
4Laurie WhiteheadVW685
5Stan JonesHolden658
6Peter MantonFiat 1100584


The event started from Wheelers Hill and proceeded to Heyfield via Piedmont, then to Stratford, on to Orbost, north to Tubbut thence to Omeo. The run back to the finish in Melbourne was via Myrtleford, Whitfield, Mansefield, Woods Point and Powelltown.

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