1982 Daryl Tunbridge Memorial Trial

The Daryl Tunbridge, organised by the Light Car Club (Ballarat branch), was held on 8 May.

It was Round 2 of the Western Regions Rally Championship. 

The winners were Rob Willet/Bernard Lakerink with Lindsay Dale/Stuart Lister 2nd and J Eddy/P Kyriadidis 3rd.

Results and entry list

PlaceDriverNavigatorCarPoints Lost
1Rob WilletBernard Lakerink32
2Lindsay DaleStuart Lister35
3J EddyP Kyriadidis36
4Keith WinterDavid Maurer40
5Jeff MooreheadMick Brazier41
6Trevor StanleyTony Bond43
7S GoughR Virgo48
8K ManwarrringK Manwarring54
9R CarterG Price58
10D FurlanD Furlan81

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