The Derrick, organised by the Car Club of RMIT, was held on May 6-7.
1983 VTC Round 2 – CCRMIT George Derrick Memorial Trial
This was the 25th Anniversary Derrick, and in keeping with tradition, Directors Noel Richards and Noel Kelly set a demanding course in western Victoria and south-east South Australia totalling over 1000 km. The event started at 11 pm on Friday evening in Ballarat and headed through Mount Cole and the Grampians enroute to a breakfast stop in Hamilton. Saturday afternoon saw quarter minute timed stages in forests and on private property made possible by the local knowledge of Assistant Director, Perry Kilsby. After a dinner break in Penola, the final division explored rarely used terrain around Edenhope and the Little Desert before reaching the finish at Mount Zero at the north end of the Grampians in the early hours of Sunday morning.
The results show that most crews found the conditions, navigation and sheer length of the event extremely demanding. Not unexpectedly, Ross Runnalls navigated David Officer to a clear victory.