1984 Victorian Clubman Championship

The Victorian Clubman Series was resurrected in 1984 and was apparently called the Victorian Clubman Championship. We have limited information on this series.

To see what else happened during 1984 in Victorian rallying, go to the 1984 year page.

To see other years of the Victorian Clubman Series go to the series page.

Series Regulations

We do not have a copy of the 1984 VCC Standing Regulations but they are assumed to be similar to the following year. Points were awarded down to tenth place thus: 20-15-12-10-8-6-4-3-2-1.

In addition to the outright award there may have been an award for the first PRC car.


The 1984 series comprised four events as follows.  Click on each event for more details and results.

  1. Chrysler Safari – Results in July Unicar
  2. Spring 200 – Results in Sep Unicar
  3. Rally of the Rising Sun
  4. Victoria Cross Rally

Outright Pointscores

Outright Drivers Pointscores


Outright Navigators Pointscores