2020 e-Bit of BP Rally, 8 August 2020

Event information

Another Armchair Rally, but a BP with only a slight difference

As the lockdown continues, we need to keep the armchair rallies coming, to get us out of Melbourne, if only virtually.  As the rest of Australia does not want Victorians, we had better keep in Victoria though.

“The e-Bit of BP Rally” will follow a similar format to Geoff Byron’s recent e-Xperts, with maps provided with controls and Vias pre plotted, and only control and via locations and direction of entry and exit required to be submitted on Google Maps.  Not even any pesky shortest map routes to be plotted.

To those that keep asking when will I do another Old BP, this will also probably be as close as we get. 

Some Mallee sections from the multi day 2008, 2010 and 2013 Old BP Rallies will be replicated, but as navigation is a lot easier with an aerial view of where you are going, and no threat of becoming bogged in sand if the navigator wants to pause briefly, a few extra more testing vias will be thrown in to be correctly located.  The philosophy of the above events was to employ no fancy tricks, just keep finding on the ground those points marked on the map, and the e version will be no different.

Something I have come to love about the Mallee from organising rallies and a lot of motorbike exploring, is that unlike in the east of the state, roads on old maps do not disappear under thick scrub and trees growth, but they can become a little harder to find amongst the grass or saltbush, or after being ploughed up for a grain crop.

The event will start and finish in Ouyen, so we can picture ourselves after the event, as we did on the balcony of the Victoria Hotel on the George Derrick Tour last October, enjoying a relaxing, socially distanced convivial drink after a satisfying virtual tour of the amazing Mallee countryside.


The following event documents are available:

Results2020 e-Bit of BP results

Route InstructionsebitBP RI

Event mapebitbp ouyen map

Event Regulationse-Bit of BP Rally-regulations

Explanations for vias that caused most issuesebitBP via explanations