The Victorian Rally Championship is the state’s premier series of events.
A brief history of major developments and changes to the championship:
- 1961: The inaugural state rally championship known as the Victorian Trials Championship. Events generally had a high degree of navigation. Points were awarded down to tenth place.
- 1968: Adopts the 9-6-4-3-2-1 scoring system in line with the new ARC.
- 1972: Renamed the Victorian Rally Championship.
- 1974: The first fully route charted special stage event timed to the second.
- 1975: Half the events fully route charted, but timed to the minute.
- 1978: Grade 2 (State Recognised) award introduced.
- 1979: Half the events were special stage events, last year with some map reading.
- 1980: All special stage events, timed to second but with target times.
- 1981: Elapsed timing introduced. Clubman award introduced.
- 1984: Adopts the 20-15-12-10-8-6-4-3-2-1 scoring system.
- 1986: Production Rally Car category introduced in parallel with Group G.
- 1987: Dual points awarded for Group G and PRC, bonus points 4-3-2-1.
- 1988: Clubman Rally Car category introduced. Equal points for Group G, PRC and CRC with bonus points 4-3-2-1. Novice award introduced.
- 1989: No more Group G! PRC and CRC only. Dual points for PRC and CRC but no bonus points. Capacity class awards introduced.
- 1990: Group N introduced. Dual points for PRC and CRC but no outright bonus points. Grade 2 and Clubman awards discontinued.
- 1991: CRC discontinued, only PRC and Group N. No dual points. First championship win by a 4WD car. Navigators re-named co-drivers.
- 1994: Series registration introduced.
- 1996: Historic Rally Car category introduced.
- 1999: 2WD Championship introduced.
- 2000: Points changed to 20-16-14-12-10-8-6-4-2-1.
- 2002: All points to count.
- 2003: Clubman award re-introduced. Worst results dropped (again).
- 2004: Only Heat 1 of two day ARC events to count. Pace notes explicitly prohibited except where explicitly approved.
- 2005: Two day ARC events count as two separate VRC events.
- 2006: Classic Rally Cars category introduced but ineligible for VRC points. Clubman and Novice awards may be based on a sub-set of events.
- 2007: Excel series introduced.
- 2009: Adopts the 30-25-21-18-16-14-12-10-8-6-5-4-3-2-1 points system.
- 2010: Dual heat events introduced and scored separately. Points ties resolved by referenced to stage wins.
- 2012: S1600 and S2000 ineligible for VRC.
- 2013: ARC Group G2 and later R5 ineligible for VRC.
- 2015: Club Rally Cars and S2000 now eligible for VRC.
- 2020: VRC not awarded due to insufficient events as a result of COVID-19 restrictions.
- 2021: AP4 and G4 vehicles now eligible for the VRC.
- 2022: 2WD under 2 litre championship introduced.