Re-live the action from 1960

Year in review



We have limited information on events in 1960 – if you have any information please let us know!

Major Events

The BP Rally of South Eastern Australia was conducted from 5-7 May, starting in Shepparton and finishing at the StKilda foreshore. The winners were Kevin Lott and Frank Kilfoyle in a Volkswagen. For more detail on the event, go to Ross Runnalls’ compilation of BP Rally history.

We are fortunate to have some audio records of the BP rallies from the late 50s and early 60s. Listen to interviews conducted at the event finish by Lox McGrath of radio 3AW by selecting the link on the right side of this page. Go to our Audio page for interviews from other years.

The 1960 Alpine Trial was won by Harry Firth and Graham Hoinville in a Singer Gazelle.

Kevin Lott and Frank Kilfoyle working on their Volkswagen during the 1960 BP Rally

Open Events

Many clubs ran open events during 1960, the year before the introduction of the Victorian Trials Championship. Some of these were as follows.

In April the Melbourne University Car Club conducted what may have been its first open event which was subsequently named the Akademos.

The Light Car Club conducted its annual Experts Trial, probably in early July which was won by Harry Firth and Graham Hoinville in a VW. This was their fourth Experts victory and the third on the trot.

The LCCA also ran the Mountain Trial in September, and, of course, the Alpine Trial as mentioned above.

In mid July the Car Club of RMIT ran its second annual George Derrick Memorial Trial.

The Western District Car Club conducted their annual Otway Trial in late July.

The Victorian Sporting Car Club conducted two open events, the Midnight Trial in late July and the Eastern Trial in October.

The Victorian Amateur Drivers Club ran its annual Two Day Trial in August

Closed Events

Many clubs conducted closed events during 1960, but we have relatively few details.

The Melbourne University Car Club ran two or three club events, the Commencement Rally, the Presidents Night Trial which was won by D. Wallis and C. Laity in a Simca, and possibly another closed event in July.

The Car Club of RMIT conducted three closed events in 1960 including a Novice Trial, the annual Autumn Midnight Trial, and the annual Presidents Trial. There was also a Winter Trial calendared but seemingly cancelled.

The Rally Calendar for this year:

This calendar is far from complete.

27 MarCommencement Rally/ Farago TrialMUCCClosed
24 AprAkademosMUCCOpen
4-8 MayBP RallyLCCANational
7 MayAutumn Midnight TrialCCRMITClosed
15 MayAfternoon and Evening TrialWDCCClosed
28 MayNight Navigation TrialVADCClosed
11 JunPresidents Night TrialMUCCClosed
2 JulExperts TrialLCCAOpen
9 JulClosed TrialMUCCClosed
15 JulGeorge Derrick Memorial TrialCCRMITOpen
23 JulyOtway TrialWDCCOpen
30 JulyMidnight TrialVSCCOpen
27 AugTwo Day TrialVADCOpen
17 SepMountain TrialLCCAOpen
18 SepKellow Falkiner Night TrialMGCCOpen
18 SepWinter Trial (cancelled?)CCRMITClosed
2 OctRobex-Hickok TrialAMSCOpen
9 OctEastern TrialVSCCOpen
9 OctVACC RallyWLCCOpen
12 NovCooper Memorial TrialMGCC?Open
3 DecAlpine TrialLCCANational
18 DecPolice Courtesy RallyVPMSCOpen