Re-live the action from 1971

Year in review


The Victorian Trials Championship was won by Mal McPherson in his Renault R8 Gordini. His navigator, Roger Bonhomme, who missed the first round, finished second in the navigators’ championship which was won by Peter Haas, navigating for Gil Davis who placed second in the drivers’ championship. Haas won after taking a successful appeal to the Australian Motor Sports Appeal Court over a deleted passage control in the North Eastern Trial.

Australian Rally Championship

Victoria hosted two rounds of the Australian Rally Championship, the Classic Rally and the Akademos. Reigning Australian Champion, Bob Watson, continued his form to win the Classic Rally while fellow Victorian, Frank Kilfoyle won the Akademos. The 1971 ARC was won by Colin Bond and George Shepheard, who won both NSW rounds and the Queensland round.


Other Major Events

Other events of note in 1971 were the BP Rally, won by South Australians Stewart McLeod and Jack Lock in their Torana XU-1, and the first Dulux Rally, which ran in August, and the Alpine Rally which ran at the end of November as a non-ARC open event.

1971 Victorian Trials Champion driver Mal McPherson & 2nd placed navigator Roger Bonhomme
1971 Victorian Trials Championship - 2nd placed driver Gil Davis & 1st placed navigator Peter Haas

Victorian Trials Championship

VTC events this year were the HAC Invitation, Blue Ribbon, Experts, Midyear, Derrick, North Eastern and Cooper Memorial.

Outright champion driver: Mal McPherson, Renault R8 Gordini

Outright champion navigator: Peter Haas (with Gil David)

For more details, including event results and points tables, go to the 1971 VTC page.

1971 Renault Rally Team

 The Rally Calendar for this year:

6 FebSummer SafariPCCVOpen
13 FebSummer TrialMUCCClub
27 FebHAC InvitationHACVTC-1
6 MarBegonia RallyBLCCRestricted
13 MarPenfold Motors TrialRCCVOpen
13 MarIntroductory TrialCCRMITClub
20 MarClassicGMHMCARC-1
27 MarCommencement RallyMUCC/ FCCVClub
3 AprMidlander TrialCVCCOpen
24 AprGippsland RallyGCCOpen
24 AprBoomerang/ Farago TrialMSCC/ MUCCClub
1 MayBlue Ribbon TrialVSCCVTC-2
8 MayTaurus RallyM850VOpen
11-16 MayBP Rally of South Eastern AustraliaLCCAInternational
22 MayAutumn Midnight TrialCCRMITClub
29 MayAkademosMUCCARC-3
12 JunAmateur 100VADCClub
19 JunAlbury Winter TrialADCCOpen
26 JunMidnight TrialVSCCClub
3 JulExperts TrialLCCAVTC-3
10 JulWhiteknucles RallyNECCClub
17 JulMidyear RallyMSCCVTC-4
24 JulOtway TrialWDCCOpen
24 JulAmateur/ Winter TrialCCRMIT/ MUCCClub
31 JulWinter TrialHACClub
31 JulRally of MidwinterM850Club
7 AugCorroboree TrialCRBCCClub
7-16 AugDulux RallyASCCInternational
21 AugSpring TrialBACClub
28 AugGeorge DerrickCCRMITVTC-5
4 SepTwo Day TrialVADCOpen
11 SepGippsland RallyGCCVOpen
18 SepPorky’s Midnighter TrailCVCCOpen
25 SepGrindstone TrialGMHMCOpen
9 OctInvitation TrialGMHMCClub?
23 OctPresidents TrialCCRMITOpen
6 NovShell North EasternNECCVTC-6
20 NovCooper MemorialWDCCVTC-7
27 NovAlpine RallyLCCAOpen
12 DecPolice Courtesy RallyVPMSCOpen