Re-live the action from 2002

Year in review


2002 Summary to come.

The Victorian Rally Championship was won by Brett Thomson and Rob Vanderree in their Galant VR4.

Australian Rally Championship

The Victoria round of the Australian Rally Championship was Rally of Melbourne.

replace photo with a championship winner, etc


Victorian Rally Championship

VRC events for 2002 were the Rally of Mildura, Presidents Sprint, Akademos, Bega Valley and North Eastern.

Outright champions: Brett Thomson / Rob Vanderree, Mitsubishi Galant VR4

2WD champions: Brian Semmens / David Leoncini, Nissan 200 SX RVS12

Peddars No Bull novice award: Jeff Sefton /Tim Hill, Ford Escort Mk II

For more details, including event results and points tables, go to the 2002 VRC page.

Victorian Club Rally Series

There were 6 VCRS events in 2002. The Rivertown Trial was calendared as Round 5 but was cancelled.

  1. TCV Trial – Results in Feb Unicar
  2. Bog-A-Duck Trial (sub event of Akademos Rally) – Results in May Unicar
  3. Nissan Nightmoves – Results in June Unicar
  4. Mt Alexander Trial – Results in Sep Unicar
  5. Spring 200 Trial – Results in Oct Unicar
  6. George Derrick Memorial Trial – Results in Oct Unicar plus final points

Robson Cup Trials Series

This series comprised events that were predominantly tests of navigational skills rather than driver speed. It comprised [x] events: the [events] 

  1. Daryl Tunbridge Memorial Trial
  2. Rally of Ararat
  3. Rally of Mt Gambier
  4. Moonlight Meander
  5. Sundowner Trial
  6. Yakkerboo Trial

Riverina and North East Series

This series comprised events for clubs …

  1. NECC April Rallysprint
  2. NECC May Rallysprint
  3. Whiteknuckles Trial
  4. NECC December Rallysprint

HRA Rally Championship

This series was solely for members of the Historic Rally Association.

Other Events

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The Rally Calendar for this year:

2 FebGeorge Woods Memorial TrialPCCVMulticlub
16 FebMirboo MeanderHRAClub
2 MarFord Four Novice TrialFFCCMulticlub
9 MarRally of MilduraRallye Sport DevelopmentsVRC-1
17 MarDaylesford DashHRAMulticlub TA
18-21 MarTour T AdelaideHarman MotorsportsClub
23 MarChallenge of ClubsNCCAMulticlub
6 AprPresidents Sprint RallyCCRMITVRC-2
6 AprNECC RallysprintNECCRNES-1
13 AprYulunga TrialHDCCGTRS-1
20 AprMurrindindi MagicHRAClub
27 AprPresidents TrialSEACGTRS-2
27-28 AprSuper ChallengeRallysport PromotionsState
11 MayDaryl Tunbridge Memorial TrialBLCCRCRS-1
18 MayAkademosMUCCVRC-3/VCRS-2
25 MayNight StalkerHRAClub
25 MayNECC Rally SprintNECCRNES-2
1-2 JunForest Classic RallyRallysport PromotionsClub
1 JunRally of AraratPCCVRCRS-2
8-10 JunWinter Classic RallyBLCCClub
9 JunBega Valley RallyDSCCVRC-4
15 JunMemorial TrialSEACClub
22 JunNissan NightmovesNCCAVCRS-3
22 JunLongest Night TrialHRAClub
6 JulJuly TrialSEACGTRS-4
20 JulGeorge Derrick Memorial Trial (postponed to 26 Oct)CCRMITVCRS
27 JulJim Maude Memorial Experts TrialHRAMulticlub
3 AugRallye of Mt GambierSEACGTRS-5
17 AugMt Alexander TrailBCCVCRS-4
24 AugClassic TourHRAClub
7-8 SepRally of MelbourneVictorian Rally ServicesARC-5
14 SepRivertown Trail (cancelled)CERBVCRS
21 SepWhitenuckles TrialNECCRNES-3
21 SepWestern Districts TrialSEACGTRS-6
28 SepMoonlight Meander TrialMMSCRCRS-4
5 OctSpring 200 TrialFFCCVCRS-5
12 OctLaurie’s TourHRAClub
19 OctNorth Eastern RallyNECCVRC-5
26 OctBCC Rally sprintBCCClub
26 OctGeorge Derrick Memorial RallyCCRMITVCRS-6
2-4 NovThree PeaksHarman AutosportsClub
2 NovSundowner TrailHDCCRCRS-5
9 NovBoomerang TrialMSCCMulticlub
16 NovRally Des Pyrenees (cancelled?)Rallye Sport DevelopmentsVRC
23 & 24 NovAlpine Rally (cancelled)HRAClub
30 NovYakkerboo TrialPACRCRS-6
7 DecNECC RallysprintNECCRNES-4
7 DecAnglia Memorial Sprint Rally (cancelled)FFCCMulticlub