The route instructions identified sections as A, B or C, with A being the most difficult and C being a transport (liaison). In practice, Type B sections were mostly transport sections that were “tight” and often on gravel roads. Many sections had advisory or no route charts. Some sections had no stated distance. Some distances were stated as approximate and subsequent plotting of the route found some significant discrepancies, especially on Day 3 when apparently many “Supplementary Instructions” were issued on the night. While the route instructions were in miles, the following table has converted all distances to kilometres. Section 54 was a “Navigational Section” but was designated as “competitive”.
Note that the so-called “navigational section” on Day 3 was actually the longest at 118km.
From start at the Chevron Hotel in Surfers Paradise, crews travelled south to two special sections, the first at Ocean Shores, then a new resort development at Brunswick Heads, and the second a short sandy stage north of Pottsville. The night stages began with a short section at Reedy Creek then a blast up the tight Springbrook Road. A long transport into NSW was followed by a fast loop north of Murwillumbah before the first visit to the town’s showgrounds. A loop of two stages to the west included a gruelling 59 km stage, the night’s longest, through the Brays Creek Forest. After another visit to Murwillumbah was a very rough section through banana plantations up against the border then to a refuel in Tweed Heads. A section east of Murwillumbah used some roads used in the 2009 WRC event then a nice run across the mountains to Uki. The long transport through Kyogle was followed by two stages over the Richmond Range and back, again roads mostly used in the 2009 WRC event. Unfortunately, those stages are no longer usable. A final easy blast took crews across to the stopover at Lismore.
Route Instructions Day 1
Day Two
The second night began with a lengthy transport through Casino and a short competitive to the south-west before heading up to another two competitives through Paddys Flat west of Bonalbo. Through Woodenbong and into Queensland eventually led to the event’s longest competitive, 84 km through the border ranges to near Killarney. After a refuel in Warwick were two competitive sections to the south, back in NSW, the first with 6 gates and the second a short “roughie”. Back into Queensland and the route picked up a number of short competitive sections near Queen Mary Falls before meandering northwards through a refuel in Boonah. Two competitive sections remained before the stopover in Toowoomba, one north of Grandchester and the second from Murphys Creek to Perseverance.
Route Instructions Day 2
Day Three
The third night ran generally to the west and south of Toowoomba beginning with a meandering “tour” to the north-west to an unmanned control at Yamsion before a refuel in Dalby. The real competition was in forests and station country to the south, with a break in Texas and a refuel at The Summit north of Stanthorpe. The competitive sections were challenging but most were limited in distance. The route briefly crossed into NSW to use a reverse of much of the Cullendore Gate section from the previous night. After Warwick there was only one real competitive, a nice slippery run over East Egypt Road to the east of Toowoomba.
Route Instructions Day 3
Day Four
The fourth night was not only the longest but the most competitive. Two runs around the Echo Valley Autocross Circuit provided plenty of entertainment for spectators. A good forest section at Nanango broke up a fairly uncompetitive tour up through Goomeri to a refuel in Maryborough and a run back south to near Amamoor. Then followed a series of challenging forestry stages in traditional Warana Rally territory around Jimna, Imbil, Kenilworth and Kilcoy. Conditions were wet and challenging in places and one stage had to be rerouted after much of the field became stuck. However, the long stages across the ranges provided a great test for drivers, including the final 68 km stage from Imbil to Monsildale. After dawn the route took crews to a special at Lakeside, then a transport through Brisbane to another special at the Surfers Paradise circuit and the finish at Surfers Paradise.
Route Instructions Day 4